My three favourite things were the Tate body sculpture exhibition, the Touch and Go windows, in a dissused building and the Richard Wilson Sculpture See photos.....
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Liverpool Arts
My three favourite things were the Tate body sculpture exhibition, the Touch and Go windows, in a dissused building and the Richard Wilson Sculpture See photos.....
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Middlesbrough Craft Fair

Crakehall- Sale
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Website Work
Worked hard to re arrange the trade and shop catalogues. The trade catalogue is now based more on my printed catalogue and give customers a good overview of the ranges I supply. The shop also has a completly new layout which I hope will make it easier for people to take a look round all the products, more of which are constantly being added so please pop my site on your favourites bar and keep poping back!!
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Swinton Park - Deer Park BBQ
Monday, 27 September 2010
After an interesting journey into London I managed to get my work set out quite smoothly which was good. Set up days are always a bit mad but you just need to concentrate on your stand and on what your doing. I did underestimate the height of the stands so there was a bit of a hunt on for step ladders (as the mini steps we brought were not high
Once the show opened it was a slow start while we waited for the ques of people to get in. It was wonderful to have my work recognized from the award I won. A lot of people wandering past commented 'didn't you win an award...' I also saw quite a few faces of stockists I supply which was great. A couple who even though having stocked work with them for years I had never actually met in person, with the age of e-mails, so it was really lovely.
The tube strike really didn't help and think more buyers would have come if it hadn't been for that. It was fairly quiet on both the Monday and Tuesday, although the transport was only really badly affected on the Tue as I experienced!! The journey to the venue was normally taking 1hr-1.5hrs , however I set off on the Tuesday morning 6.30am and didn't arrive till 8.55am, not an experience I hope I have to repeat!!
I will be supplying some new galleries from the show so look out for details - here are a preview of a few with their websites - Stark Gallery, Polkadot Gallery and Jewell.
Back to the quiet life up north now just getting on with the orders!!!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Window Shopping
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
IJL Editors Choice Award 2010

Winning the award has been a good positive boost for me, it was my Alliums range that captured the judges. There are four catagories and I am a joint winner of the technical excellence category, follow link to see lovely IJL write up and for the Claire Adler podcast.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Backyard Market
Saturday was a really early start, unfortunatly there were lots of works on the transpo
Sunday was an even earlier start, we managed to find a quick enough route though which was good. We sorted out the stand a little better for the Sunday and were really pleased with the display. See photos. There was a lot more going on we had no idea. When we got off the train we were suprised to see market stalls, including fruit and veg etc for at least a mile, then once we got to Brick Lane there were even more. As the day went on there were just more and more people. See photos of the streets of bricklane.
GNCCF 2010

Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Contemporary Craft Fair 2010
The show was great and I was so glad that the weather held out....
Arrived Wednesday.... Our 6 hour journey went without a problem and wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Got to the football pitch campsite and set up the tent. There were just porta loos which weren't as bad as I remember them, hot showers though which were great. We had a little wander into Bovey and got sorted at the supermarket and of course a pub!!
Thursday set up..... Got my display together (see pic) and then just got ready for the private view evening, drank a little cider and got chatting to loads of people.
Friday showtime....Beautiful day!! There were plenty of people about which made the day go quick. In the evening we deciced on a mini BBQ and a few games of gin rummy.... I'm pleased to say I won with a score of 153 to 10!!
Saturday and Sunday..... More great weather two more busy days and it was great to see a few customers enjoying wearing some of my jewellery they had purchased at one o
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Bovey Tracey, Contemporary Craft Fair

Hope to see lots of you there the show opens this Friday (11th June) 10-5 until Sunday. Come visit my stand C19!
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
BCTF 2010 - New Ranges are a hit!!
Anyhow back to the actual show.... this year I launched two new ranges Cartwheel Flower and Manmade, plus a complete collection of cufflinks which have proved really popular. You can see the images for each if you click on the links also see selected images below.
The blue range features silhouetted images of a Cartwheel Flower, this range is made up of a new curve design as well as triple segment pieces.
Manmade consist of a variety of bangles using images of various buildings and structures from across the county that have interested me. I also made up some matching earrings and pendants.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Leeds Exhibition

Trip to the Baltic

At the Baltic I saw a great exhibition by Martin Parr, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The exhibition starts with a collection of photos taken by Parr. The show then continues to a collection of all sorts it really was an amazing collection of photos and memorobillia. I would love to be a fly on the wall in his house where must he store all the things!!