I also have the North Yorkshire Open Studios coming up. I think its a great scheme run by art connections. A variety of artists and makers will be taking part across Yorkshire. The project means over two weekends artists and makers open their studios to the public so people can see arists and work and purchase unique items direct. The days that the studios are open will be sat 20 sun 21 June and fri 26 sat 27 sun 28 June. They have set up a great website which gives all the information about the artists and makers taking part, NYOS09. I have also added the link to the left under my link bar. Also my Dahlia bangle image (above) has been used on the front cover of the booklet and catalogue as well as promotional posters. I have also just found out a photo of 'me at work' will be featured somewhere in the June issue of Living North so keep an eye out!
Also I am now on twitter so just follow the link from my link bar if you want to follow.
My 2009 display
Thanks again!